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Suspicious betting alerts reported by IBIA up 65% from last quarter



Suspicious betting alerts reported by IBIA up 65% from last quarter

The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) has reported on suspicious betting alerts reported to the relevant authorities in the first quarter of 2024. 

In total, 56 suspicious betting alerts were reported in the quarter, an increase of 12% year-on-year compared with the 50 in Q1 2023, and also a rise of 65% when looking at the last quarter; when there were 34 alerts reported in Q4 2023. 

Looking closer at the first quarter of this year, incidents of suspicious betting covered six different sports, across 21 countries and five continents. 

Football saw the highest number of alerts among the six sports at 24 alerts. This is 60% up from the 15 football alerts reported in Q1 2023. 

Turkey was the country with the highest number of alerts with 8, while 41% of all of the 56 alerts in the quarter were on sporting events that took place in Asia. 

IBIA CEO Khalid Ali said: “The first quarter saw an increase in reported alerts highlighting the ongoing challenge our members, sports and regulatory authorities face from corrupt activity, with football and Asia dominating our Q1 report.  

"IBIA’s alerts are supported by detailed global customer account data only available to IBIA and its membership, which continues to grow, widening our world leading market coverage. That account data provides evidentiary information that is vital for advancing investigations and imposing sanctions.  

“IBIA is committed to continuing to work closely with stakeholders and to providing this important evidence base.” 

In recent weeks we have seen a number of companies join the IBIA, including, Yolo Group and Glitnor Group’s brand sportsbook. 


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