BTC、ETH、SOL、LINK 等十大市值幣種齊漲之際,佔據百大幣種漲幅的還有公鏈 Fantom (FTM),與 LINK 的單日漲幅並駕齊驅。Fantom (FTM) 發生什麼事嗎?
(相關內容:SOL、LINK 漲幅最兇的理由,比特幣突破三萬)
核心開發者 AC:#FantomSonic 超快測試網將上線
Fantom 核心開發者 Andre Cronje 在 10/20 就曾翻出去年的研究成果:大幅降低 Fantom 的區塊空間與 Gas 費用,目前加上其他的更新組件,Fantom 已可達到 4 倍的交易吞吐量,並將發布測試網。
據稱,測試網將於 10/24 上線。
Massive, almost 4x throughput after we implemented. We are actually releasing the testnet for this in the next few days;
As soon as its public I will send you some more technical details.
Supetset insructions are only one of the components
— Andre Cronje (@AndreCronjeTech) October 19, 2023