高防CDN 域名移动屏蔽处理 污染清洗
2023-06-26 Update
Warning: This resource does not support HUIDU guarantee.Private transactions are high risk. It is personal behavior and beware of deception.HUIDU is not responsible for any transaction disputes.
Business introduction
安全加速(Secure Content Delivery Network,SCDN)是HT-蜜蜂云推出的集分布式 DDoS 防护、CC 防护、WEB 防护、 行为分析为一体的安全加速解决方案。全方位保障业务内容分发、动态请求加速过程中可能遇到的 DDoS 攻击、CC 攻击、Web 攻击和恶意爬虫行为,保障服务高可用。
依托于内容分发网络(CDN)加速节点,挑选优质节点加载高性能自研 DDoS 清洗模块,基于先进特征识别算法进行精确清洗,抵御 SYN Flood、TCP Flood、ICMP Flood 等各类流量攻击,联动全球高防机房,单点最大可抵御 1Tbps DDoS 攻击。
除基础 IP、referer、UA 黑白名单外,支持自定义复杂访问控制规则,可指定客户端 IP、URI、Referer、User-Agent、Params 等字段进行等于、包含、不包含等规则匹配,根据业务场景进行多条件组合过滤。
提供丰富的报表查看能力,支持 DDoS 、CC 攻击实时监控告警,支持全网 Web 攻击次数、类型、来源多方位图表分析,支持 Web 攻击详细日志导出。
Product images
Fraud Prevention Reminder
1、Please carefully verify the identity and business qualifications of the counterparty before contacting resource services. Do not trust cheap offers and promises easily.
2、Any behavior of impersonating an official staff member to request prepayment or payment may involve fraud risks. Please be vigilant.
3、The HUIDU platform does not intervene in any transaction process. Please be cautious during the transaction to avoid losses.
4、If you encounter fraudulent activities by someone impersonating a HUIDU staff member, please contact us immediately to verify and report it. If it is confirmed, the account will be permanently banned.
小羽 高防cdn 2024-11-05Online
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