Akash Network 去中心化和开源云
2022-11-24 Update
Warning: This resource does not support HUIDU guarantee.Private transactions are high risk. It is personal behavior and beware of deception.HUIDU is not responsible for any transaction disputes.
Business introduction
Akash Network 是世界上第一个去中心化和开源云,可加速区块链和机器学习/AI 等高增长行业的部署、规模、效率和性价比。
Akash 网络设想了一个云计算无需许可、主权和开放的世界,互联网的建设者可以在其中拥有更大的自由来扩展人类体验。
Akash 网络正在建设这个未来。
Akash Network 被誉为“云计算的 Airbnb”,提供快速、高效、低成本的应用程序部署解决方案。利用 Akash 平台的开发人员可以以比 Amazon Web Services、Google Cloud 和 Microsoft Azure 等集中式云提供商低三倍的成本访问云计算。利用容器化和开源技术,Akash 网络利用了全球 840 万个数据中心中 85% 未充分利用的云容量,使任何人都可以买卖云计算。
Fraud Prevention Reminder
1、Please carefully verify the identity and business qualifications of the counterparty before contacting resource services. Do not trust cheap offers and promises easily.
2、Any behavior of impersonating an official staff member to request prepayment or payment may involve fraud risks. Please be vigilant.
3、The HUIDU platform does not intervene in any transaction process. Please be cautious during the transaction to avoid losses.
4、If you encounter fraudulent activities by someone impersonating a HUIDU staff member, please contact us immediately to verify and report it. If it is confirmed, the account will be permanently banned.
Greg Osuri 2022-11-24Online
经理・Akash Network
Copyright 2022 HUIDU